Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Explanation of Pictures

1.  These immigrants are coming to America through Ellis Island in hopes  to find a life of success and freedom.  Most were escaping some sort of oppression in their home country.
2-3. These children are working in factories.  Conditions were very dangerous and definitely not appropriate for children.  At the time there were no laws in effect to help these children.
4-5. This factory is filled with workers who are working long, hard hours for very little pay.  The owners of the factories (such as the one in photo 5) did not care what kind of torturous work these people had to do. They wanted their money, regardless of who they had to step on.
6. With the money being made from paying the workers so little, the rich American folk were living in these large mansions.  It was definitely an ideal at the time: to live in a big house and be rich.
7.  However it clearly was not achievable for all Americans, for the majority of the population was living in lower scale tenements in large, overpopulated cities. These people were ignored and it took years before the government decided to come in and help.  Even then, the immigrants and poor people were still treated poorly.
8. Money was the main object in which the values and ideas of the industrial revolution were shaped around. It was what the ideal American should have, but not all did.
9. This cartoon shows how the melting pot was not quite what it seemed. People came to the U.S. looking for citizenship and equal rights, but they were treating unfairly more often than not.
10. Moving on to today's values and ideals, education is first on the list.  In today's society it is hard to get by without a strong educational background.  The ideal American today goes to highs chool all 4 years and continues on to at least 4 more years of college.
11. This shows the American values and ideals of today. Americans are supposed to look nice and successful like the people on the cover of "People" magazine. Media is also a huge value today and people everywhere are greatly influenced by it.
12-13.  These photos are of recent homeless Americans. This highly contrasts the ideals of America today, and relates back the the 1890's as well.  Back during the Gilded Age, the poor (mostly immigrants) were left with nothing while the rich were out making more and more money.  This still goes on today.  While the American dream remains to be successful in life, an ideal American is very hard to find and those that have made it still leave the poverty-stricken behind.
14.  This cartoon is portraying the illegal immigration going on near the southern border.  It does not show an American value or ideal, but like the previous photographs (12-13) it contrasts them.  This is showing that America is not as perfect as it may seem.  There are still many flaws and one of the largest today is indeed that of illegal immigration.

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